“朝如青絲暮成雪(xuě)”,即使我們終将老去,但在每一個(gè)年輕的(de)歲月(yuè)裏,也(yě)必定朝氣蓬勃,青春洋溢。就想這(zhè)張圈椅,小憩提神;或者就安然榻卧,十分(fēn)鐘(zhōng)年華在夢中偏偏老去。 東方人(rén)對(duì)于器物(wù)簡單和(hé)含蓄的(de)優雅表達,包括對(duì)顔色、裝飾的(de)審美(měi)和(hé)西方比起來(lái)都是大(dà)相徑庭的(de),線條的(de)靈性和(hé)圓融并包的(de)東方禅意,在輔以西方的(de)軟包面料在擁有東方正直含蓄同時(shí)又有西方的(de)舒适溫暖,每一寸肌膚,宛若清晨陽光(guāng)般微溫心田。
"Toward such as green twilight into snow", even if we will be old, but in every young years, also must be vigorous, filled with youth. Just like this arm-chair, rest and refresh; Or lie down safely, ten minutes old in dreams. The Oriental's simple and implicit elegant expression of objects, including the aesthetic of color and decoration, is quite different from that of the West. Surrounded by metal frame, gun gray line of spirituality and harmony of the Oriental zen, along with imported Italian fabrics, grind arenaceous cowhide mild package of hardware and leather by hand from the chair armrest throughout the whole joint, with Oriental implicit at the same time, the integrity and comfort of the west, every inch of the skin, like the morning sunshine warm heart. The stand that recreational stool designs modelling stems from ancient dress gets round to get modelling, import cloth art and dark green grind the union of arenaceous cowhleather, soft beauty and temperament is special.